Over the Shoulder Program Maximization Guide – Your Shortcut to Success
A Complete Video Guide on Exactly how to Best Implement the Artist Marketing Formula in your business. I will help you fast-track your success with my Step-by-Step video walkthrough of the most important action items to take immediately to see the biggest results. This program simulates you and I sitting at a desk together, where I am showing you where to go and what to do for the fastest results with your online marketing. If you’re like me…..you like shortcuts. This is your shortcut to success. NOTE: Since this is an Over-the-Shoulder Walkthrough it needs to be started at the beginning of the program & therefore will only be offered as a one-time offer on this page.
Your Instructor
Who am I? I am an artist just like you. You may have seen me at some of the best Arts festivals in the country. I have been selling my work at shows for over 35 years. For the last five years I have been obsessed with mastering Facebook and Instagram marketing and in doing so I have totally changed the way I market my work. Within six months I had completely replaced my shows sales with online sales, and I now sell my work exclusively online. My passion is to teach, what has transformed my life to other artists and speciality small business owners. My driving desire is for you to have, this same, sustainable online success.
In my lifetime access course and coaching program I am going to teach you what took me years to learn. You will benefit from my investment of hundreds of hours and thousands of dollars figuring out how to make online marketing work for any business. There is an ocean of social media marketing advice strewn across the internet, wading through this sea of ever changing information and finding those nuggets that are specifically beneficial for an artist or craftsperson has taken much time and testing. You will benefit from my investment and you will skip all of the pitfalls and money wasting gimmicks. Now in just a few short weeks you can learn what took me years to perfect. You are about to have a life transformation. I look forward to working with you inside the course.
Course Curriculum
Frequently Asked Questions
Step by Step Success with Facebook Marketing
The Complete Marketing Formula for Artists, Craftsmen, and Specialty Small Businesses
Get Started Now!
The Complete Marketing Formula for Artists, Craftsmen, and Specialty Small Businesses
Get Started Now!